Monday, June 02, 2008

Bo Diddley - 1928 - 2008

1 comment:

david_grundy said...


It wasn't really my intention to leave a public post, but this was the easiest way I could think of to make contact. Briefly, I run an online magazine called 'eartrip' (, of which the first issue has already appeared. I am now in the process of planning, editing, and writing for the second.

I contact you with this not merely to provide a tit-bit of information that may or may not be of interest. In a round-about way, I will get the point, then. I have had some encounters with the whole grasp press scene in Cambridge, and, indeed, I was at one of the grasp readings where you read some of your Baudelaire translations. The fact that you are a 'radical' poet with an interest in 'radical' music (free jazz) interests me greatly, and could provide some fascinating material for the magazine.

I'll spare further details for now, but, if you have time, please drop me an email at dmgrundy @

David Grundy