ok / got a few readings coming up in MARCH. tomorrow (Sunday) I'm in Brighton doing stuff for Desperate For Love at the Kommedia //// following THURSDAY 5th its tha POST-CARCERAL PAUL PARTY with a cast of millions (line-up to be announced here on Monday, probably). This at the Leather Exchange, nr London Bridge. THEN, March 10th, I'm reading at the famous KLINKER, new venue is Tottenham Chances, 399 High Road /// finally, I'm on at the next OPENNED, on the 25th // POSTER ABOVE // this is an OLD poster, the TBA is now to be read as KESTON SUTHERLAND // hooray /////// right, after all that I'll be knackered. BUT, will have just enuff energy for an ARMED ASSAULT on the POETRY CAFE, that palace of MILITANT MEDIOCRITY, FRAUDULENT BOURGEOIS BULLSHIT and FUCKING AWFUL QUICHE/// I've applied for an arts council grant and everything . . . .
a poet called Lucy Harvest Clarke is also reading.
..... i am sure Sean appreciates "this".
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